Each destination is a place where adventures await, where guests toast at top-shelf bars, feast with our fine dining options, relax at our inner-city sanctuaries and dive into world-class gaming and entertainment experiences. The best part? Take your career to new heights with our diverse learning pathways, including on-site training at our Registered Training Organisation RTOCrown College. Gain nationally recognised qualifications through AQTF-aligned options, on-the-job training, and traineeships, all conveniently located in-house. We offer a range of pathways to kick start your career. Learn more about each area below and join our talent community to stay connected. Our people are the heart of Crown Resorts and our values are instilled in everything we do. They reflect how we work, treat each other and interact with the people and communities around Crown Resorts. We have a clear mission to deliver strategy, plans, actions and outcomes in sustainability, focusing on three key areas: energy, waste and water management. Through the Crown foundation we support local communities and provide funding to programs in the arts, community welfare, education, health care and research, and the environment. Interested in staying connected? You can find out about jobs and current career possibilities at Crown Resorts by visiting our job search page. You can find out about jobs and current career possibilities at Crown Resorts by visiting our Job Search page. A dialogue box will open to complete relevant fields. All applicants of Crown Resorts will be required to interview through competitive selection and be subject to a number of background checks including a police check and may also include a physical assessment, testing and a gaming license. Some of our roles include online assessments and video interviews that can be conveniently completed in the comfort of your home. Please note, Crown Resorts will not ask candidates for payment details as part of the recruitment process. All positions will be advertised through our Job Search page. As a large-scale employer, Crown Resorts is committed to supporting local workers as much as possible. Depending on the requirements of the role, Crown Resorts may consider applicants on temporary visas or student visas for fixed term positions or casual positions respectively. In special circumstances, Crown Resorts may consider sponsoring applicants who have a highly sought-after skill Spa Resort Casino Jobs that is not obtainable within Spa Resort Casino Jobs Australian market. Be sure to check your spam folder in case any emails are marked as spam. All Crown Resorts positions are advertised on Careers at Crown. For more information on employment scams and staying safe online, visit Be Cyber Aware - Is it a hoax? Our recruitment team will review applications stored in our candidate database from time to time. Our website has all the information you need to know to help you with your recruitment journey. Simply navigate to the main Careers Page for an overview of different role types in each business unit. For more information about Crown Resorts in general, including our purpose and values, senior leader and different businesses head to our about us page. For more information on what benefits our employees receive, head to our Life at Crown page. For more information on our Learning and Development programs and career pathways, head to our Life at Crown page. You can also stay up to date on our LinkedIn page. Careers at Crown. Job Search. Benefits Why join Crown Resorts. Opportunities Explore different career possibilities. Join the community. Diversity and Inclusion. Crown Foundation. Our Businesses. Talent Community. FAQ Any questions?
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