Anka, F. Babaei, A. Efficiency-sustainability models to assess blockchain adoption strategies with uncertainty in the oil and gas sector. Kuş, Z. Yang, X. Tatar, G. IEEE Access. Tema, E. Expert Systems with Applications, Ünlü, H. Turfanda,A, Ünlü,H. Cycle-to-cycle switching endurance variability in vertically aligned nanocrystalline molybdenum disulfide: computational insightsJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 32 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57 Turfanda, A. Computational analysis of device-to-device variability in resistive switching through single-layer hexagonal boron nitride and graphene vertical heterostructure modelJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 32 Bektaş Demirci, S. Fujii, S. Öztürk, S. Akyol, G. Arab J Sci Eng. Doğan, N. Özcan, Z. Celep, Z. Forced vibrations of an elastic rectangular plate supported by unilateral edge lateral springs. Altunsu, E. Goncu, S. Public Transp. Arar, M. Kiraz, A. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 46, İmeci, M. Defense and Security Studies, vol. A 3-dB 90 degrees microstrip hybrid directional coupler Fuzzy Fis Design Slot Machine 2. İmeci, Ş. Wireless Personal Communications. Kašibović, A. Arasteh, B. Kiani, F. Chaotic sand cat swarm optimization. Köse, U. The effects of the dielectric substrate thickness and the loss tangent on the absorption spectrum: a comprehensive study considering the resonance type, the ground plane coupling, and the characterization setup.
Kucukoner, A. Various adventure items. Ankara: Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü. Istanbul, Turkey, pp. Criado por Jelly.
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