Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. This topic has been locked. Hi i try to refund my games which i cant play because there is no community playing or i didnt enjoy playing or somewhat bugs. My question is if its not possible to refund a game after 2 hours and 14 days refund time please dont put a button of it if not works or if you dont make my refunds because i am turkish this is discrimination. I want equal rights thats it thank you for reading. The author of this topic has marked a post as the answer to their question. Click here to jump to that post. Showing 1 - 15 of 27 comments. Narue View Profile View Posts. Nope, Steam Refund requirements are clear and very strict. Once you get passed 2hours or 14 days even by 1 second, you won't get to refund it. And it doesn't matter where you are from or what level is your steam account this rule is equally strict to everyone. Trying to insinuate it has anything to do with your nationality is a joke and shows you just want to abuse the system. Gin View Profile View To Request Time Out In Poker. Originally posted by Black-Tie :. Last edited by Gin ; 25 Jun, am. Oynamadigim yada eglenmedigim oyunlardan diye baslayip irkciligaesit haklara nasil geldin hic anlamadim ki10 yila yakindir steam i kullaniyorum ve steam in bu bahsettigini yaptigini ne gordum ne duydum, bence orayi edit et millet guler. Ornek: 4 yil once gta4 u aldim lakin 14 gunu gecmesine ragmen Rockstarin oyunu aktive eden cd key lerinde problem vardi ama genel oyunu alanlarin cogunlugunun sahip oldugu bir problemdi ve steam iadeyi bundan dolayi kabul etti. Yani durduk yere genel bir sikinti yokken ben artik eglenmiyorum bunu iade alin dersen steam almaz. Yes, there are circumstances where its possible, I had it. Originally posted by Naru :. Just do a manual refund. It worked for my WWE 2K20 after 9!!! Zekiran View Profile View Posts. If you're only a little over 2 hours and 2 weeks, they may offer a refund. Ogami View Profile View Posts. But you can still get a refund by opening a manual ticket with Steam Support and asking that way. That is by no means a guarantee that you will get the refund outside the limit since its still completely depending on Valve´s discretion but its possible. IF you are only slightly outside the limits, like a few days or 30 minutes over the playtime limit. Dont waste your time and that of the Steam Support with refund requests for months old games or some you played for XX hours. Last edited by Ogami ; 25 Jun, am. Last edited by ThotsBContagious ; 25 Jun, am. Originally posted by Gentle Claw :. Well i think that if you break one of those two for ex 15 days but 1h of play it will work, it worked for my friend when he refunded pubg after a month but didnt play it more than 1h. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 25 Jun, am. Posts: Start a New Discussion. Discussions Rules and Guidelines.
IF you are only slightly outside the limits, like a few days or 30 minutes over the playtime limit. Tesadüfen mi? İptal Raporu güncelle. February - last edited February Posts: Please add Ukrainian language.
Türkçe nasıl söylenir
GTA 5'te oyun açılırken bu sorunu veriyor yardımcı olur musunuz? I'd like to kindly request the addition of Ukrainian language support in the game. Many Ukrainian players would deeply appreciate the opportunity to fully. casino-slot-777.online When the "your out of time" message pops up, I have to clear it (or all 3 versions of it) before I can use my people. This adds to the time needed to play. If you've passed these thresholds after making the request, you can reach out to support to investigate further.The two workers not usable in the clay pit is an issue of the game. In the current context, the Ukrainian language holds special significance for us as a nation, especially as our culture and language are being increasingly recognized and supported on the international stage. The Ukrainian gaming community is growing rapidly, and more and more players appreciate the opportunity to experience games in their native language. Well i think that if you break one of those two for ex 15 days but 1h of play it will work, it worked for my friend when he refunded pubg after a month but didnt play it more than 1h. Size e-posta yoluyla ulaşmakta zorluk çekiyoruz gibi görünüyor As above, you'll need to reach out to support, they can look into this. February xxuygarx I checked again for you and it appears that the refund has gone through. Reply 1. Sesli Sözlük garantisinde Profesyonel çeviri hizmetleri. It worked for my WWE 2K20 after 9!!! Zekiran View Profile View Posts. Ne oldu? Lütfen aşağıdan seçin Arayüz kurallar dahilinde de olsa bazı oyun aksiyonlarını yapmamı engelledi Web sitesini kullanırken bir şey düzgün çalışmadı oyun sırasında değil Tercüme eksik. Thank you for your attention, and I hope you will consider supporting the Ukrainian language in Liar's Bar. Can't enter table. February - last edited February Turkish pronunciation taymaut. Message 4 of 6 Views. Oynamadigim yada eglenmedigim oyunlardan diye baslayip irkciliga , esit haklara nasil geldin hic anlamadim ki , 10 yila yakindir steam i kullaniyorum ve steam in bu bahsettigini yaptigini ne gordum ne duydum, bence orayi edit et millet guler. Install Steam. Applikasyon yükleniyor Ukrainian language on top!!! All rights reserved. Originally posted by Naru :. Some geospatial data on this website is provided by geonames. I have requested a refund within the first 2 hours after launching the game but the message did not come to me. Last edited by Gin ; 25 Jun, am. Ne oldu?