To browse Academia. There are three groups in the study; Computer Games group, Traditional activities group and control group. The sample of the study consists of 83 9th grade learners of English at a state high school in Turkey. The effectiveness of the type of practice is compared based on the results obtained from the immediate and the first delayed post-test, which is conducted 21 days later than the immediate post-test. Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney U test were employed for the data analysis. The results indicated that, practicing the target verbs via computer games resulted in more gain than the other types of practice. Furthermore, it was found that remedial teaching was necessary for teaching the irregular verb forms because both computer games and traditional activities groups outperformed the control group who received no remedial teaching for those verbs. In terms or durability, computer games were proven to be more effective than the other practice methods. This research aimed to validate the authenticity Tilt Poker Tyler Tx usefulness of Irregular Verb Game as a teaching tool in learning past tense irregular verbs in English language class. The research method was development which consists of three phases: analyzing, designing, and developing. The design phase focused on designing the contents and layout of the product. The first part of the result of this research Tilt Poker Tyler Tx a complete design of the product. The layout of the design had 3 main parts: intro, inside house, and outside house. The contents included a visual dictionary, pronunciation function, and simple quizzes. The second pa This research was a quasiexperimental research. In conducting the research, I used pre-test post-test control group design. Two classes were selected as a sample of the research taken by simple random sampling technique. They were 30 students from grade X Pharmacy I as the experimental group, taught by using team game tournament and board game. The data analysis was calculated by using the t-test formula. The mechanics of the game is simple. The player moves a sprite through daily tasks and to each task there is a sentence attached stating the relevant tense. Their manifestation in the game is explained in this study. Their evidence in the game is also explained in the study. Article visualizations:. Discussions on how grammar should be taught have continued for decades. Not using methods and techniques that are consistent with the adopted philosophy of education hinders the success of this process. The study investigated the impact of computer-assisted instruction and correspondingly computer-assisted educational games on grammar academic achievement and attitudes toward grammar and Turkish course of students. In this study, a quasi-experimental design based on a quantitative study with a pretest-posttest nonequivalent group was applied. Participants of the study consisted of two classes of 6th grade students studying at a middle school. Computer-assisted educational games were designed and practiced in the experimental group within a we This paper presents results from two experiments which used computer-based grammar and teacher-driven grammar chalk and talk instructional methods. Each method involves teaching verb tenses using two deductive approaches a the initial rule-oriented approach involves initial presentation of explicit rules followed by illustrative examples and b the structure-guessing approach involves explicit presentation of rules in response to structureguessing exercises. The effectiveness of these methods and approaches are compared based on the results obtained from the post-test administered at the end of the experiment. The results reveal significant differences between the four groups in favor of the computer-based grammar instructional method, and more specifically the structure-guessing approach except for the present perfect tense. However, the study shows that both methods computer-based and teacher-driven and both approaches the initial rule-oriented and the structure-guessing Tilt Poker Tyler Tx effective in teaching English verb tenses.
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