Thanks for your cooperation Stop asking question What 's up with Eric Good for you- ne mutlu sana About 50 minutes — yaklasık You think so -öylemi dersin Around 50 minutes - civarinda Please dont Poker Rules Cheat Sheet Pdf to call Get the hell out of my face Out of question - söz konusu bile olamaz Get out of my face It was the best meal I have ever had Get out of here The best meal I ate here As soon as I finish my work I do anything for you — senin icin herseyi I am sorry for your loss yaparim Somehow How did it go? It is fine with me - bana uyar I honestly dont know I think we are done here-burd işimiz bitti I am crazy in a way - bir bakıma deliyim A model father - örnek bi baba Never underestimate the power of knowledge Damned if I know- biliyorsam nolayım Got a problem God damn you-Allah belanı Said the fly to the spider Not one bit - hiçte değil! Bunu nasıl elde ettin Everyone on the ground -herkes yere yatsın Thank you for Poker Rules Cheat Sheet Pdf concern-ilgin icin tesekkur Can you do me a favor -bana bir iyilik yapar ederim misin What is your point? I like this Oh my goodness Love at first sight-ilk goruste ask You discovered something curious about. You cant handle the truth It makes me wonder-beni meraklandiriyor Less is more - az ama öz Classified - gizli bilgi More or less-asagi yukari You are getting famous I want you to want me Keep wisdom to yourself-bilgeligini kendine I care about you-seni umursuyorum sakla Piece of shit- aşağılık herif Keep opinions to yourself-fikirlerini kendine Let her go-gitmesine izin ver sakla I always get what I want- Her zaman istediğimi You go too far-haddini aşıyorsun alırım Bring me fortune-bana sans getir I did something wrong-birseyleri yanlis yaptim Go and die with honor I am done-benden bu kadar It stays between us-aramizda kalsin What exactly do you need? Here we go - başlıyoruz It is up to you-bu sana bagli At least act like a man Last-ditch effort- son bir gayret Dont cross the line-cizgiyi gecme, siniri asma Do you believe in love at first sight None of your business-sanane Desert - dezırt — col Whats wrong-sorun nedir? Dessert-dizort- tatli Scapegoat- günah keçisi I succeeded - başardım Dont mention it - lafı olmaz I am gonna succeed Go figure - çık çıkabilirsen High budget movie-yuksek butceli film Why are you surprised —neden sasirdin? You turn your back-arkani dondun Help us catch him-onu yakalamamiza yardim I am completely lost- bişey anlamadım et I have never understood you- seni hiç bir I apologize for bothering you-rahatsiz ettigim zaman anlamadım icin ozur dilerim What the hell are you doing I will not be ruled-Boyunduruk altına How much money are you willing to pay girmeyeceğim What difference does it make? I am freaking out-cildiriyorum I beg your pardon Take your hand Poker Rules Cheat Sheet Pdf me-ellerini uzerimden cek Good enough for you? Ne demek istiyorsun? I am gonna give you a good lesson — sana It is very touching —cok dokunakli guzel bir ders verecegim Much to do - yapılacak çok şey var I can not believe my eyes-gozlerime It was not your decision to make-senin karar inanamiyorum verebilecegin bir sey degildi. Tell me the truth-bana gercegi soyle The same old same old-ayni tas ayni hamam I know what I am doing-ne yaptigimi biliyorum same old bottle same old blues What a mess- bu ne dağınıklık I enjoyed the game- oyundan zevk aldim Welcome to my world İ enjoyed playing football with you guys Literate man- okuma yazma bilen adam My reason for living-yasama sebebim You dont know, do you? I am talking about the other Poker Rules Cheat Sheet Pdf of coin- Ben You can not turn back time -zamani geri madalyonun diğer tarafından bahsediyorum donduremezsin Is something wrong- bir sorun mu var You cannot buy happiness-mutlulugu satin You are a puzzle- muammasın alamazsiniz Make your wish- dile benden ne dilersen That day is today-o gun bugundur A Word please- konuşabilir miyiz I am very accountable- hesap sorulabilir I just wondered — sadece merak ettim anlaminda A moment I stand shoulder to shoulder with you-seninle Make time- zaman yarat omuz omuzayim. Stay out of my territory - Bölgemden uzak dur If you cannot beat them, join them-onlari Tell me if I am wrong-yanlissam soyle yenemiyorsan onla katil Your sense of humor is very bad - hümir — No shortcuts. Work for it- kisa yok yok, bunun mizah anlayisin cok kotu icin calis I am on my way-yoldayim Can we have a word — azcik konusabilir miyiz? I concern about you —senin icin Let's sit up all night-hadi sabahlayalim endiseleniyorum Go to bed with the sun-sabahlamak He angered me- beni kizdirdi Thankless- thanklessness — nankör-nankorluk He was angry with me — bana kizgindi How are you too-sen nasilsin yanit I guarantee that you will miss me-garanti If you never try, you will never know-hic ediyorum beni ozleyeceksin demezsen hic bilemezsin You ask my opinion-dusuncemi sordun I shoul continue where I left off-kaldigim I want to pardon you-seni affetmek istiyorum yerden devam etmelim. Easier said than done- söylemesi yapmaktan I suppose so - bende öle tahmin edyrum daha kolay Does it matter - önemli mi Get down -eğil Does it matter to you? You are spoiling me - beni şımartıyorsun I didn't say that! You are putting words into He is terrorizing her-onu dehsete dusuruyor my mouth. Dont make me do that — bana bunu yaptirmak It might come in handy- belki işine yarar Flaw - kusur. Flawless - kusursuz Funeral- cenaze. Fünirıl I am lucky to have you guys-size sahip I am pretty sure- oldukca eminim oldugum icin sansliyim cocuklar Appearances can be deceptive-Dış görünüş I am lucky to meet you aldatıcı olabilir. Ice cream melts — dondurma erir Informant-muhbir How long have you been together? Hayat I will show up — ortaya cikacagim anlamamı sağlıyor Fast-breaking dinner — iftar yemegi Cheers mate - eyvallah kanks Long time no talk-konusmayali uzun oldu Orange is the new black Cheeky — küstah, arsız Get them inside —onlari iceri al Just my laziness - benim tembelliğim Cuff them all - hepsini kelepçele I want to break the rules-kurallari cignemek In process — surecte, devam ediyor istiyorum Dont threat me - beni tehdit etme rules are made to be broken- kurallar Escape plan — kacis plani cignenmek icindir. I have been made - farkedildim Dare to dream it, work to achieve it I had one-track mind - tek yönlü düşündm I was born ready - as always be careful who you are fucking with- I am trapped here- buraya hapsoldum Kiminle dans ettiğine dikkat et We work Poker Rules Cheat Sheet Pdf the dark to serve the light Be careful who you dance with the calm before the storm-firtina oncesi At the end we leave with nothing sessizlik I am growing roots here-beklemekten kok That just made my day-bu gunumu mahvetti saldim. Drop your weapon, now! You will be the first to know- ilk bilen sen I am in trouble-basim belada olacaksin I want to team up with you-senle takim olmak I take from here - bundan sonrası bendee istiyorum I will make my own choice I cannot thank you enough-ne kadar tesekkur Well hidden-iyi gizlenmis etsem az. What exctly do you have in mind? We dont have a moment to waste-bosa I am afraid to say harcayacak vaktimiz yok. This is all my fault- hepsi benim sucum Cost of doing business I think we are making progress-sanirim I want to take my chance — sansimi denemek ilerleme kaydediyoruz. It is like a nightmare-kabus gibi Please be noted that - lütfen unutmayın ki Do what you do best-neyde iyisen onu yap The less people know, the better Que sera sera - herşey olacagına varır I am gonna take this company to another Sounds like you have a problem level-bu sirketi baska bir seviyeye tasiyacam Sounds like a plan-mantikli geliyor This is not over-bu is bitmedi Mysterious-esrarangiz-misteriyis Put him on the phone-telefonu ona versene What job is that What makes you so sure? I am concerned with politics Would you like some water? Stay tuned - beni izlemeye devam edin So far so good - su ana kadar iyi gidiyor, For the sake of you - senin hatrın için şimdilik iyi, her şey yolunda Lucky for you I am a doc You need to learn from your mistakes. I want to keep you safe Lift with your leg-bacaklarindan kuvvet alarak There is no another choice kaldir Any regrets-pismanlik var mi-rigrets You gotta be kidding me-saka yapiyorsun? Yedek planımız Two by two - ikişer ikişer var degıl mı? For what purpose —ne amacla Consider yourself lucky-Kendını sanslı say You cannot stop the inevitable-kacinilmazi Dont be between the evil and deep sea-iki durduramazsin arada bir derede kalma Butterflies in my stomach-içim pır pır ediyor I hope not to see you again-umarim bir daha Go hard or go home-ya hep ya hic- seni gormem Give me your phone number Get in - atla arabaya bin Hand in hand-el ele Dont talk back to me - karsılık verme All-inclusive price - her sey dahil fiyat Who is laughing now bro? I am in love with her I still dont know Nothing is impossible Are you religious?
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